Gearoid Schutte

Gearoid Schutte

Gearoid studied Marine Engineering at Cork Regional College and spent several years working at sea before joining Cruickshank in 1985 and he is the Partner with overall responsibility for our Patent practice.

He is an Irish Patent Attorney, a European Patent Attorney and an Irish Design Agent. He has a wide range of experience of various patent issues and technological fields, having filed and prosecuted patents for a diverse list of technologies, including vehicle suspension systems, mattresses and cushions, cleaning products and packaging, waste recycling and manufacturing processes. He has a particular interest in patents relating to mechanical process and manufacturing engineering. Most recently Gearoid has been working in the area of renewable energy sources and in particular wave power.

Gearoid is a former President and Treasurer of the Association of Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys in the Republic of Ireland and is a member of the Association’s Design Committee.

Qualifications: Diploma in Marine Engineering; Irish Patent Attorney; European Patent Attorney; Irish Design Agent.
